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Planning Board Minutes 06/01/2017
  Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday June 1, 2017

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Richard Moore, Keven Mara DVM, Craig McIntosh, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Matt Cole, and Kristy Barnouski Secretary.

Others present: Patrick Hayes, Web Stout, Chris Moultroup of Unitil, Sandra Gilmore, Jim & Gail Towle, Bob Mann, Donna Chagnon, Jim Plunkett, Cornelia & Douglas Hamel, Jon Rokeh, Faye and Robert McAnney, and other members of the public.

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:35pm.

Minutes were reviewed from the May 11, 2017 meeting.  A few grammatical changes were requested.  Mr. Jordan made a motion and Mr. Williams seconded to approve the Minutes from May 11, 2017. Motion passes.

Until-Public hearing
Mr. Moultroup of Unitil came before the Board to get permission for Unitil to trim trees along the scenic roads located in Chichester.  These include Garvin Hill Road, Land Road, Towle Road and Blackman Road.  A public notice was given.  Mr. Moultroup stated that they will be trimming trees close to the lines.  Unitil will be giving notice to the homeowners.  
A Resident had some concerns about the notification process and cutting down unnecessary trees.  Mr. Moultroup explained that they would not take anything down without permission.  

Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Jordan seconded to approve Unitil to trim the scenic roads in Town and remove trees contingent upon landowner permission for removal.  Motion passes.  

Public hearing continuation- Site Plan Review, Forever Metal Roofing-
Mr. Williams recused himself from this matter due to a conflict of interest.  Ms. Davis will be a voting member for this discussion.  

Mr. Brehm stated that the Planning Board tried to coordinate a meeting with the Conservation Commission reguarding the wetland buffer, but were not able to meet.  Mr. Mann from the Conservation Commission was able to make it to tonights meeting.  

Mr. Rokeh the surveyor for the project stated to the Board that he added some treatment swales to the plan and also a retention pond as requested by the Planning Board.  The water is completely treated and runs through 125ft. treatment swale before it hits the wetlands.  

Mr. Mann stated that the Conservation Commission in the future would like the opportunity to meet as a group to discuss items rather than just one member.  One member’s opinion cannot reflect a decision of the Commission.  Mr. Mann had questions as to why the driveway could not be moved to be outside of the wetland buffer.  Mr. Rokeh explained that the location of the driveway is the same place it has been historically.  Furthermore, the movement of the driveway would prohibit further development as well as drilling and blasting would have to be done.  

Mr. Hayes stated they were still waiting for the driveway permit from D.O.T.  The last he heard from D.O.T., its expected to be in within a few weeks.  

Mr. Mara made a motion and Ms. Davis seconded to approve the site plan for Forever Metal Roofing, Map 3 Lot 40 pending the approval the D.O.T. driveway permit.  Motion passes.

Subdivision-Public hearing for Hamel-
Mr. Jordan is recusing himself as he is a direct abutter.

Mr. Webb the surveyor for this subdivision stated that the plan does have several different zones.  Mr. Webb provided two sheets to include more detail for the Board.  The wetland have been identified. There are three structures on the property, two are a home and garage and one is an antique shop. The property consists of approximately 36acres.   Mr. Webb is proposing to cut out 5.1 acres with a 90% buildable lot.
Proposed lots numbers are 41 and 41-1.  The Board went through the subdivision checklist.

Mr. Williams made a motion and Mr. Mara seconded to accept the application as complete.  Motion passes.

Mr. Sudak Sr., an abutter of the property had a question about the proposed 41-1 as to whether or not the lot will be for one house lot or multiple house lots. Currently there are no plans to develop, however is the property was ever to be developed it would have to come before the Board.  

Mr. Mara made a motion and Mr. Williams seconded to approve the subdivision with contours as shown and acknowledging that it’s more than adequate to suffice for this subdivision. Motion passes.

Public hearing-K&B Crushing Site Plan Review
Mr. Brehm stated that with some investigation they have found that Mr. Babb may not be able to use the dealer plates as intended, but that is not the Planning Boards decision, the Planning Board needs to approve whether or not the site can be utilized as a licensed car dealer.  Mr. Mara asked Mr. Babb if he had been up front with the State on his use for the plates.  Mr. Babb stated that he has dealer plates out of his business in Auburn NH since 1998 and that he has never had them revoked.  He stated that he sold that business one year and half ago and had an agreement to use on dealer plate but he reneged on the agreement.  

Mr. Brehm stated that there are several items that need to be in compliance.  The site plan review will be for K&B Crushing LLC, which consists of both businesses.  

The Board reviewed the Site Plan and checklist.  The first item to be addressed is the signage.  Currently there are two signs off structure and the zoning only allows one.  The road frontage does allow for more square footage however there can only be one sign.  
Another item to be addressed is a permit for the structure that was erected with the cement floor.  Mr. Babb stated that that he agreed that all the structures could be inspected by the Building Inspector.

Mr. Brehm asked if he would be containing the equipment in one area as shown on the plan or keeping it all over as it is now. Mr. Babb stated that they have been cleaning up the site.

The Plan approved previously for Northeast Landscaping had paved parking spaces.  The Board required Mr. Babb to have 13 regular parking spots with 1 handicap spot all paved or crushed pavement.

The Board also required Mr. Babb to show and locate underground utilities, solid waste disposal removal and lighting locations on his plan.  Also, plotting the wetland setbacks on the plan.  

The Board also limited Mr. Babb to six spaces for display for vehicles for sale and designate a 750sq ft. area for sales.  

Mr. Brehm stated that he would like the word “temporary” structure removed from the plan referring to the large pop up tent structure Mr. Babb built.

Abutter’s comments-
Sandra Gilmore stated that she was concerned about the traffic and people gawking and more accidents on Suncook Valley Road.  Mr. Babb stated that this will not be his primary business and he will not have a large display.

Mr. McAnney stated that he was upset that the Planning Board would approve another car dealership.  He stated that he has seen lots of accidents and worries about people’s safety.  

Mrs. McAnney expressed her concerns about rural Chichester and it becoming too commercial.  She stated that she felt there were far too many car dealerships already.  

Mr. Brehm stated that a landowner does have the right to develop their land according to zoning.  The Planning Board can guide development but it is a permitted use and is allowed.

The Board will continue this item until next month.

Other business-
Chichester Commons-additional parking
Mrs. Barnouski stated that Mr. Halle had called her and asked if adding parking lot required a public hearing.  Mr. Brehm asked Mr. Halle to send in a plan with the proposed additions. Mr. Halle wants to add some parking spaces where there is not a patch of grass.  Mr. Brehm stated it should be denoted on an updated plan and put on record and was looking for the Boards approval.  
Mr. Willams made a motion and Mr. Mara seconded that the parking is not a change in impact and that may add the parking spaces without a Site Plan review.  Motion passes.

Mr. Brehm suggested that the Planning Board hold a public hearing to update the Site Regulations to be able to inspect after the project is complete to determine if the plan was followed.  
After some discussion the Board determined that it would be discussed again at a later date.

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski, Secretary
Not approved until signed.

Chairman, Stan Brehm